Monday, October 13, 2008

A blog about a blog.

So, I was thinking about the purpose of this blog. And of blogs in general. At first, I began thinking about the things I would say in a blog, mainly things to keep my dudes (in this case dudettes), most of which have moved away, up to speed with my life. Maybe something that has to do with my mood, my day, my 'current events.' The more I thought about this blog, however, the more I realized its ability to allow me to release my thoughts, my questions. I am a scribbler. Long before I created this blog, I realized the value of being able to capture my emotions on paper. My mind is constantly reeling, whether I'm angry, conflicted, happy, contemplating, or even confused. Sometimes my thoughts become too much for me to handle, and at some point they spill out of my pen into these jumbled, non-legible scribbles. Weeks, maybe even months, after dumping my emotions into a heap on the paper, I would find them, and read them. I realized that these words I had not even had the intention to write really meant something, and had so much power. I could read them and remember my exact anger, my exact glee, or even my exact fear. Nothing can do for me what writing does. Even so, when thinking about creating a blog, I couldn't help but wonder--
Who cares?

But then I remember that despite my desire to release my emotions somewhere, my number one reason for this blog is my friends. They care. And that makes me so happy. I love you guys. :]


brittany said...

omg, i was really REALLY excited to see you have a blog. super excited, let me know your email address so I can allow you to look at Taylors!
AWW, I can't wait to hear all your thoughts!

Alyssa said...

I love you too.
this quote came to mind..
"damn girl, you are a writer." haha it is from never been kissed.
:] But seriously I love reading your words. and I love that you have a blog.

Taylor said...

so i know this is late, but..
yay! haha Love you aswell!