Monday, November 10, 2008

The Adams are on the loose. Again.

On Sunday, the Adams returned from a long weekend of backpacking through the Superstition Mountains to Rieves Ranch. Ouch. We're talking two days of hiking 10 miles in, 10 miles out, 30 pound packs, sleeping on the ground, pure insaneness.

Nah, it actually wasn't that bad. But it was pretty intense. We actually camped next to a creek in this valley thing where an old ranch house used to be. And there were apple trees, although I'm sad to say there were no apples. We actually had to gather water from this creek (which I affectionately called the 'crick') and boil the water so we could drink it and make our food with it. Like I said, intense. It was way fun though. And so beautiful. There was actually this part of the trail, in between the desert-like terrain and the forest-like terrain, that was what I imagine prairie-like terrain to be. The trail was on the edge of the mountain and you could look out and see this huge valley beneath you and the most amazing mountains beyond that. I almost felt like Phoenix didn't exist, like there were no such things as big cities. I never knew there were places like that in Arizona.

And of course, there are many hilarious stories regarding my ridiculous family, but I will save those for another time. (They're always better when I can incorporate the voices I've created for them-haha.) I'm really glad I had the chance to share this experience with them.

I must say, I am a fan of backpacking. I can't wait to go again.


Alyssa said...

I want to go backpacking.
and I miss you too.

Alyssa said...

oh and I forgot your family is so ridiculously cool.